After we both retired in 202 we went round the world traveling and visiting most of the countries for about ten years, As we finished our extended travels, I started writing the memories from our travels. And I included our life in United States from 1970 when we entered this country. I gave this write up ROSE BUSH and KR decidecd to publish it. It was a different experience for me and the book was published by Author House in digital form in July 2018 and the print version came out in October. The book is listed by Amazon and Barnes and Noble under the name ROSE BUSH by INDIRA K. RAO.
Follow up of printing I was interviewed by a local radio talk host and Channel 16 _ABC News. We released the book among our friends and family after observing Satyanarayana Pooja at home. We had author's signing ceremony at Barnes and Noble.
In a few months later when the Atlanta consulate General of India visited I presented a copy.