uly 9 to Aug 6, 2016: We went to Santa Barbara to spend four weeks with Ishu during summer at his request. Uma , Rekha and Neil were at Santa Barbara visiting Ishu for one week and they arrived three days earlier. Ishu planned a quality time visiting surfing, beeches, rock climbing and Rekha and Neil shadowing Ishu in his clinic. After we arrived Uma, Neil and I went out for lunch on the beach front restaurant near a college campus. After Uma left KR and I spent time with the TV following the republican and Democratic conventions. Ishu had his friend Laura, a realtor came for dinner to have Indian food. Ishu tried to come home early for dinner and most of the time Leela and Lola were busy outside home. When they were home one day Lola made Rainbow cake and Leela made apple turnovers. We took regular walks in the neighborhood and enjoyed short outings driving Ishu's car.