Although this www.krrao.net is a personal web site, I chronicle in this web site, all significant events of the year in which I participate with a ‘pictorial walk-through’.
One such event is an ASME Mississippi Section Monthly Meeting that was held on June 25th ’09 for a tour of “Jackson International Airport – For a behind the Scene View”. A roster of the 31 attendees is given here in the pdf link. Also, pictures of all of the attendees are given below.
Our thanks of ASME International MS Section are from Walt Holifield, Section Chair and Dipak Neegandhi, Program Chair, MS Section to the Airport Authorities especially to Ron Lacour of FAA and Denson Stasher, Doug Breckenridge and Ms. Zalak Mehta all of International Airport Authority of Jackson, MS.
K. R. Rao Ph. D., PE. Fellow ASME, FIE, Chartered Engineer (India)
360, Woodhollow Cove
Brandon, MS 39047
Tel: 601 992 0484; Fax: 601 919-2639; Cell: 601 212 3694
Email: kr768@bellsouth.net; raokr@asme.org;
www: krrao.com; Email: krrao@krrao.com and www: krrao.net; Email: krrao@krrao.net