Our long time friends and neighbors Peter and Pamela moved out of Jackson to settle in Cyprus. We had them for dinner one evening in March before they left. In April the Chinmaya Mission Chief Br. Girish Chaitanya visited the temple for two reasons. One to see the graduating class of Balavihar and to give a discourse on the third chapter of Bhagavadgita. He came from Austin, Tx and we invited him one day for Bhiksha. This is the second time he visited us at home. In June we had the VIPs Neil and Rekha along with Uma and Sunder. One afternoon Neil and Rekha presented a Piano concert to our next door neighbors. On July 3rd our good friends from Oxford, MS Dr Raju Mantena and His wife Veena spent a day with us accompanied by their son Nitin and nephew Praveen. On July 4th our next door neighborsKit and Ron arranged a block party in front of the house. Every one enjoyed the fire works. In August Dr Lanier Cauley from Mobil Alabama came to spend a weekend. We went to the reservoir to the cock of the walk for dinner, a movie, Music and dinner at the casinos in Vicksburg and visited the wild life exhibit in the trademart. Visitors keep us fresh and alive leaving good memories to treasure. In october we had the company of Will Long, Lianne and their son Jeane along with Deepak and Connie Negandhi for a dinner get together at home. we spent an hour in the park for drinks.